Showing all 4 results
SMITH AND NEPHEW 7210486 Arthroscopic Shaver, Bonecutter Full Radius (Black, Beige), 3.5mm Diameter (Reprocessed by Provision Device Reprocessing Solutions) (X) **EXPIRED 2020-07**
SMITH AND NEPHEW 7210976 Arthroscopic Shaver, Incisor Plus Elite (Blue, Slate), 4.5mm Diameter (Reprocessed) (X) 2020-07
SMITH AND NEPHEW 72200727 Arthroscopic Abrader, NotchBlaster Elite Bur (Blue, Bright Peach), 5.5mm Diameter (Reprocessed By Provision Device Reprocessing Solutions) (X) 2020-07
SMITH AND NEPHEW 72203013 Arthroscopic Shaver, Incisor Plus Platinum (Silver, Slate Blue), 4.5mm Diameter (Reprocessed) (X) 2020-07